Decorative "Element" Eggs
For anyone who has kids or a Pinterest account, you've probably stumbled across this simple craft. However, being in the age of always wanting something more, newer, "better', and flashier, I thought I'd take on this craft with my own twist. I always love infusing nature and the elements into my designs, so I switched out a few of the traditional supplies for a more Earthy aesthetic.
- Mod Podge
-Water Balloons
-Small Sponge Brush
-Moss Cord
-Faux Berry Wire
-Shot Glass
Step 1: Blow up a water balloon until it creates an egg shape. This usually means the balloon is still somewhat squishy and not fully blown. Tie knot at the end and set aside.
Step 2: Take spool of the element of your choice, and cut off desired amount of length. The longer the piece, the more "full" and intricate the egg will appear.
Step 3: In a bowl, use 3 parts Mod Podge and 1 part Water, to create your bonding liquid for the egg.
Step 4: Using your sponge brush, completely cover the water balloon with the glue. Make sure to evenly coat with a generous portion of glue.
Step 5: Take your precut piece and start wrapping the water balloon. Make sure to cover the balloon in vertical, horizontal, and diagonal directions to create an intricate "weave".
Step 6: Once you have finished cover the balloon, take the left over ends and tuck them underneath a strand. Then take a place the wet balloon on top of a shot glass and let dry for 15/20 min. or until dry.
Step 7: Once all the fibers have absorbed the glue and have dried, take a tooth pick and pop the balloon. Using your fingers or the toothpick, dig out the balloon and any excess dried glue.
What's fun about this project is that once your finished making the eggs, the options for displaying them are endless! You can place them in a bowl or vase as a table top centerpiece. You can suspend them from string to make a garland. You could also glue them together to make a door-wreath! Get creative!